
Facing Pain On Your Own?

Are you wondering if your injury will ever get better by itself? We hear this comment in the clinic all the time.Recent research shows that early intervention is vital.Jorven et al, (2000) conducted a study on two groups of people who had sustained a muscle injury recently. One group commenced treatment immediately while the other …

Facing Pain On Your Own? Read More »

How does SCENAR therapy work?

At Back to Health Physiotherapy, we commonly use Scenar therapy as part of our treatment. This article might help you understand better how it works and what scenar can help with it.SCENAR stands for Self-Controlled Energo-Neuro Adaptive Regulator.Physiologically our health relies on the continuous exchange of information within the body. Each body system and function …

How does SCENAR therapy work? Read More »

Muscle cramps

Are sudden muscle spasms and cramps waking you up from your rest or sleep?

Muscle cramps are sudden and involuntary contractions and can be quite painful and debilitating. There are several causes of muscle cramps, including dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, muscle fatigue, and poor circulation.   How to prevent muscle cramps:– Stay HydratedStay well hydrated and maintain a balanced diet that includes sufficient electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and magnesium.– StretchStretching before …

Are sudden muscle spasms and cramps waking you up from your rest or sleep? Read More »

dry needling northern beaches

Have you ever thought about dry needling to help relieve your pain?

Dry needling is an effective treatment option for patients to help alleviate pain and improve mobility. The technique involves inserting thin acupuncture needles into trigger points in the muscles to release pain and increase movement in the body. We see great results in relieving pain and reducing stiffness and commonly use this technique in our …

Have you ever thought about dry needling to help relieve your pain? Read More »