

Back to Health Physiotherapy Newport assists in the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of the following conditions:

physio newport

Sports Injury Physio

Gets you back to your sporting activity stronger and healthier.

Back To Health Physiotherapy Newport has a keen interest in sports injuries and aims to get you back to your sporting activity stronger and healthier than you were before the injury.

Our team of qualified sports physiotherapists have extensive experience in healing and strengthening after a sports injury. Physiotherapy combined with SCENAR therapy makes Back To Health Physiotherapy your first choice for Sporting Injuries on the Northern Beaches.

The use of SCENAR therapy allows our sports physios to treat your sports injury earlier and more intensively to get you back on the field faster. SCENAR can be used even if tissue is swollen, bleeding and bruised or bones are broken (where other physiotherapy techniques would often be inappropriate).

In acute sporting injuries SCENAR may;

  • Reduce swelling
  • Reduce pain
  • Reduce bruising and hematoma
  • Reduce scarring
  • Allow faster and more full healing of an acute or chronic injury

Injuries that could have become significant, long lasting problems for our Northern Beaches clients are often treated early and quickly resolved with the use of SCENAR, allowing them to return to their sport without repeat injuries.

Early management of sporting injuries is vital. If you do sustain a sporting injury, act quickly! Ice the area and contact us for advice about appropriate care. Where possible try to get an appointment on the same or following day.


We use 3D pressure pad analysis to perform a digital biomechanics examination of your foot when it walks.

Foot pain, calf pain, knee pain, lower back pain, neck pain, tired and aching feet, sore calf muscles, heel pain, foot arch pain, achilles tendon pain, calluses and/or corns.

At Back To Health Physiotherapy in Newport we have brand new technology called Digital Gait scan to get to the bottom of foot posture problems on the Northern Beaches.

To do the test you simply walk across a computerized pressure pad. (Much less messy than the old plaster casts of feet) The test takes 7 minutes.

The software generates a colour coded picture of your foot as it lands on the pressure pad. The different colours show the stresses on your foot as you walk.

The Physiotherapist reads the picture, pressure and timing data generated by the scan to determine the posture of your foot and the pressures going through it to the ground. What we previously used to estimate with the naked eye, Gait Scan now enables us to pinpoint exactly the stresses on your foot, and how your lower limbs, knees, hips and spine are behaving as you walk. Your Newport Physiotherapist will analyse your scan and write an easy to understand assessment with recommendations for the most effective treatment of your condition. This will be given to you, with your scan, at your next appointment.

This could include;

  • Custom made Orthotics, designed using your scan, to perfectly support and correct the posture of your foot.
  • Advice about appropriate footwear
  • Exercises to help realign or rehabilitate your foot
  • SCENAR treatment for pain, stiffness, or unwanted lumps & bumps
  • Joint Mobilisation therapy for pain, stiffness and range of movement
  • Stretching

Orthotics are worn in your shoes to support the arches of your feet. Made of rubber (soft) or flexible plastic (semi rigid), they can be full length or half (ending just behind the balls of your feet.) Back To Health Physiotherapy Orthotics are tailor made for your feet.


  • Support your feet accurately in a more efficient position
  • Realign your feet, (and therefore your ankles, knees, hips and spine)
  • Alleviate joint and soft tissue strain
  • Allow your feet to provide a stable foundation for the rest of your body

Thankfully today the wearers of Orthotics are no longer sentenced to life in sneakers/trainers & big black boots. Our Orthotics can be made to wear in certain sandals (including Birkenstocks), fashionable high heels, casual or work shoes and even some thongs! (Helpful to know on the Northern Beaches). Back To Health Physiotherapy has an ‘Orthotic friendly’ shoe catalogue to give you some ideas. We’ll even order them for you if you know your size.

Dry Needling

Helps decrease pain, improve range of motion and relieve tightness.

In order to achieve the best and fastest resolution of your problem, your Back To Health Newport Physiotherapist may recommend dry needling as part of your treatment.

Dry needling consists of inserting thin acupuncture needles into various anatomical locations to help decrease pain, improve range of motion and relieve tightness, often very quickly.

The style of dry needling we practice here at your Newport Physio can have great results with a wide variety of acute and chronic injuries.

Research has shown that inserting needles into various tissues can cause rapid local vasodilation, increased capillary permeability, increased activity of cellular building blocks (glucose, amino acids, fatty acids) and a release of neuropeptides from nerve endings.

These responses speed up and encourage healing. Needling can also have very important systemic benefits. Various parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system reactions can cause generally increased feeling of well being, improved sleep patterns, and decreased gut and allergy reactions.

Strength & Stability classes

Small group exercise classes for men and women.

Participating in our classes will give you great benefits including:

  • Management and prevention of low back pain
  • Full body strengthening
  • Improving core strength and control
  • Body alignment and posture
  • Improving muscle tone & flexibility
  • Improving breath awareness & control

Strength and Stability classes are held at our Newport Clinic

– Classes are pre-paid in blocks of eight for
a discounted rate
– Casual sessions are also available

* Private health fund rebates are available from most funds – (quote item number 560)

11am – 12pm

10am – 11am
11am – 12pm

*Min. 3 people per class – Max. 5 people per class

Fees are to be paid in full in week 1.

For new participants a half hour Physiotherapy Assessment will be required prior to participation in our exercise classes to enable individually tailored modifications to be made to the program to ensure personalized client needs are met. This session will include initial training of the correct technique to ensure you get the maximum benefit from the program.