
When Should You Be Foam Rolling & Stretching?

Foam rolling and stretching are two of the most beneficial ways of improving your flexibility, range of motion, and stiffness. But when is the best time to do them?A recent study conducted a systematic review to evaluate the effects of stretching and foam rolling before and after exercise. Results found that foam rolling and stretching …

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How long do I need to stretch to create change?

What Is Static Stretching?Static stretching is a form of stretching that deliberately lengthens a particular muscle or tendon in order to improve that muscle’s elasticity and muscle tone. It allows individuals to feel an increase in muscle control, flexibility, and range of motion.But how much stretching is needed to get results and effectively lengthen our muscles?Recently, a …

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The Benefits Of Stretching & A Guide For All Ages

What are the benefits of stretching?One of the biggest things that stretching helps to improve is your flexibility! Although many people think that flexibility is irrelevant to their lifestyle or age, the improved range of motion in the joints… Enables your muscles to work most effectively Improves your ability to do daily activities Increases your …

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Make a wise decision for Pre and Post-rehabilitation with Physiotherapy

Pre or Post-operation rehabilitation through physiotherapy is an essential part of the body and mind recovery process.At Back to Health Physiotherapy we see patients regain strength, flexibility, and mobility through rehabilitation programs. It plays a crucial role in reducing pain and preventing complications during the recovery process. By working closely with one of our physiotherapists, …

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Facing Pain On Your Own?

Are you wondering if your injury will ever get better by itself? We hear this comment in the clinic all the time.Recent research shows that early intervention is vital.Jorven et al, (2000) conducted a study on two groups of people who had sustained a muscle injury recently. One group commenced treatment immediately while the other …

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How does SCENAR therapy work?

At Back to Health Physiotherapy, we commonly use Scenar therapy as part of our treatment. This article might help you understand better how it works and what scenar can help with it.SCENAR stands for Self-Controlled Energo-Neuro Adaptive Regulator.Physiologically our health relies on the continuous exchange of information within the body. Each body system and function …

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Exercise during Pregnancy

Exercise in moderation and adapting to individual circumstances during pregnancy can be both beneficial for a mother and a baby. Exercise during pregnancy can be incredibly beneficial for blood circulation, reduce back pain, and even reduce or lower the risk of gestational diabetes. However, it is important to keep in mind that every pregnancy is …

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