Avalon, Bayview, Long Reef, Mona Vale… the choices are endless in our area for golf courses. Whether you’re a beginner, only go ocassionally, or a frequent flyer, there are always ways to improve or strengthen your skills in golf. You’ll be surprised by the impact that exercises at home can have in improving your abilities on the green. We’ve got 5 helpful at home exercises to help improve your fitness and strength in golf:
- Split Squat: This exercise will build your stability and strength on your lower body.
- Deadbug: This will strengthen your core to help use your whole body to increase the strength of your golf swing.
- Push-ups: This will strengthen your swing and whole body.
- Pelvic Rotation: To aid in your mobility and to strengthen your “swing sequence,” this exercise will stretch your torse muscles.
- Full Body turn: This exercise will help strengthen and increase flexibility in your shoulders for your backswing.
Demonstrations of these exercises can be watched by TPI Certified Performance Coach Mike Carroll on the link below.
Come see us here in Back to Health Physiotherapy in Newport for strengthening you golf skills and addressing/ preventing golf injuries.
Refernce: https://golf.com/instruction/fitness/five-at-home-exercises-better-golf/