Have you been hearing or feeling a grinding noise with a small vibration when you move your knee? You may be experiencing ‘Knee Crepitus’, which is the formal way of saying creaky knee.
A common misconception is that crepitus is associated with degeneration of the knee due to the creaking and therefore, many people stop exercising to try and make their knee “last longer”. However, this is not true! Movement and stretching actually help to maintain joint mobility. It can also strengthen the muscles around your knee, helping to reduce strain and improve balance and support. Exercise is what you need to keep up to help your knees last longer and maintain or build better mobility and function.
A recent study surveyed individuals between the ages of 21 and 69 years who struggled with knee crepitus. Researchers found that approximately 50% of participants experienced Knee crepitus without pain. So you are not alone with your creaky knees! However, they also found that Knee Osteoarthritis is a progressive disease that causes pain, stiffness, crepitus, and reduced joint mobility within the knee. Therefore, creaky knees can be an early sign of Knee Osteoarthritis which is why it is important to stay active whilst keeping an eye on your creaky knees.
SO, even if your knees are getting a bit creaky, or if they have been creaking for years, the message is keep stretching and keep exercising.
Although creaky knees can be painless and harmless, it is still something to keep an eye on. If you have a creaky knee that is starting to cause you pain or prevent you from exercising and doing other everyday activities it’s time to get things checked out so it doesn’t build into something worse. Give us a call at 9997 4970 or email us at [email protected] to talk to one of our trained professionals. You can also click below to book an appointment.
Reference Paper: Drum, E.E. et al. (2023) ‘Creaky knees: Is there a reason for concern? A qualitative study of the perspectives of people with Knee Crepitus’, Musculoskeletal Care, 21(4), pp. 1114–1124. doi:10.1002/msc.1793.