Computerised Orthotics!

Do you suffer from foot pain, calf pain, knee pain, lower back pain, neck pain, tired and aching feet, sore calf muscles, heel pain, foot arch pain, achilles tendon pain, calluses and/or corns? If you have answered yes to any of these, speak to one of our physiotherapists at Back to Health about our tailor-made Orthotics!

What are Orthotics?

Orthotics are worn in your shoes to support the arches of your feet. Made of rubber (soft) or flexible plastic (semi rigid), they can be full length or half (ending just behind the balls of your feet.)


  • Support your feet accurately in a more efficient position
  • Realign your feet, (and therefore your ankles, knees, hips and spine)
  • Alleviate joint and soft tissue strain
  • Allow your feet to provide a stable foundation for the rest of your body

What do you need to do?

To do the test you simply walk across a computerized pressure pad. (Much less messy than the old plaster casts of feet) The test takes 7 minutes. The software generates a colour coded picture of your foot as it lands on the pressure pad. The different colours show the stresses on your foot as you walk.

What do we do?

Your physiotherapist will read the picture, pressure and timing data generated by the scan to determine the posture of your foot and the pressures going through it to the ground. What we previously used to estimate with the naked eye, Gait Scan now enables us to pinpoint exactly the stresses on your foot, and how your lower limbs, knees, hips and spine are behaving as you walk. Your physiotherapist will analyse your scan and write an easy to understand assessment with recommendations for the most effective treatment of your condition.

This could include;

  • Custom made Orthotics, designed using your scan, to perfectly support and correct the posture of your foot.
  • Advice about appropriate footwear
  • Exercises to help realign or rehabilitate your foot
  • SCENAR treatment for pain, stiffness, or unwanted lumps & bumps


Will I be Stuck in Ugly Shoes Forever if I am Prescribed Orthotics?

Thankfully today the wearers of Orthotics are no longer sentenced to life in sneakers/trainers & big black boots. Our Orthotics can be made to wear in certain sandals (including Birkenstocks), fashionable high heels, casual or work shoes and even some thongs! (Helpful to know on the Northern Beaches).

At Back to health Physiotherapy in Newport we would love to help you get to the bottom of your foot posture problems, come and see us today or call us on 9997 4970!