Is your lounge the cause of your back pain?
Do you collapse with relief into the arms of your comfy chair at the end of the day and then wonder why you are struggling to stand up a couple of hours later?
The sad truth is that we are not designed to sit and that in our modern world and culture many of us spend way too many hours sitting.
The more comfortable the chair the more likely we are to slump. Prolonged slumping ALWAYS leads to back pain.
Try this quick test:
Relax in your recliner or lounge then try to bend your back. You may be surprised to find your back is already is as bent as it is possible to be. When we sit in “full flexion” it makes our discs bulge and puts pressure on the ligaments and muscles in the small of our back.
In addition, we are bearing weight on the small of our back rather than on our sit bones (ischeal tuberosities). It is almost impossible to sit with a “neutral spine” up on your sit bones when sitting in a lounge or recliner. Even the words give it away…we sit in a lounge and in a recliner rather than on a chair…. scary when you think about it.
So, what can you do? There are solutions
Some are more difficult to remember or do. For example, sitting in a neutral position.
Or getting fit enough that sitting is no longer a risk to you back.
The more obvious and easier solution is to get up and walk about around more often and to lie down flat instead of sitting.
In any event the less we sit the healthier we are. The “comfier” your chair is the bigger it’s threat to your well-being.
If you would like to know more or want to come and talk to us to find solutions for your posture, sitting or back pain come and see us. We would be delighted to help you and your back.