Low back pain and the 3 biggest mistakes people make
Approximately eighty percent of the population is likely to experience at least one episode of back pain at least once in their life. It can be caused by one or more of many factors. Here are 3 of the most costly mistakes people with low back pain make:
- Putting up with pain
Health professionals hate hearing from a patient “I’ve had back pain for 6 months and just been putting up with it”. This means that the muscles and joints throughout your spine will have stiffened up and gotten weaker. It also means your brain has changed the way it interprets the signals coming up from your back. As a result, it will take longer to fix your back.
- Not doing the basics
If you’re overweight, you’ll have more stress on your back. If you smoke, your body heals poorly. Everyone knows if you sit with poor posture your back gets stiff. Action the things that you know will help your pain!
- Not realising how much your back pain is actually affecting your life
Low back pain, even mild on and off back pain that hangs around for weeks and months can profoundly impact someone’s quality of life. It can affect your mindset, mood, sleep, interactions with family and friends, performance at work, leisure and exercise, and even undermines overall happiness. Have a good think about the small things you enjoy, and you’ve stopped doing or changed the way or amount you do them and you’ll realise how much it affects you.
If you have back pain or know someone that complains about their back occasionally then make an appointment to see one of our highly trained Physios. We see different sorts of back pain every single day and get great results for our patients, getting you out of pain, long term, and getting you back to a higher quality of life! Call us on (02) 9997 4970 or Book Online today!