The Link Between Sleep and Muscle/Joint Pains

Although many of us can struggle with sleep from time to time, were you aware that poor sleep is positively associated with an increased likeliness of muscle pain?

The modern way of life with consistent stress related to work,
 finance, social issues, and an “increasing use of smartphones” may be contributing to increased health problems via sleep-related problems.

Sleep-related problems include difficulty getting or staying asleep, lack of restful sleep, daytime sleepiness, and sleep apnea.

Recently, a systematic review was conducted to assess this link. In this study;

1. Sleep-related problems were an indicator of increased likelihood of persistent chronic musculoskeletal pain

2. The odds of developing chronic musculoskeletal pain increased by 79% for those with sleep-related problems

Improving the time you get to sleep, the duration of sleep, and the consistency of restful sleep are all associated with improved resolution of pain.

Sleep is one of the non-negotiable health habits, with adults needing seven to eight hours of sleep for optimal function.

Other factors to consider to assist quality sleep are adequate temperature control, healthy diet, the absence of bright lights and noise, consistent exercise and good flexibility so you can be comfortable in bed.

If you are experiencing muscle pain and are struggling to resolve it don’t hesitate to give us a call at 9997 4970 to talk to one of our trained physiotherapists or book an appointment below.

Reference: Santos, M., Gabani, F. L., de Andrade, S. M., Bizzozero-Peroni, B., Martínez-Vizcaíno, V., González, A. D., & Mesas, A. E. (2023). The bidirectional association between chronic musculoskeletal pain and sleep-related problems: a systematic review and meta-analysis.